Saturday 7 July 2007

You wait ages for one...

Our London show (pics by Bex again). It all finally came together, almost a whole year of planning, and unbelievable workload, little help from fellow students, and no belief from the majority of the year that it would even succeed (in the end about half my year turned up). While the day may have been a very long one, and the ending ever so slightly premature, the start of the day was at least enough for me to view the event as a whole as a success. After the first company turned us down, we faired a little better at the 2nd, Pentagram no less! With two more companies then sending out people to view our work, the pre-lunch audience thought it was a great idea, and seemed to really enjoy the experience - well how often are you invited onto a routemaster to view an exhibition?

However, the less we dwell on the 2nd half of the day the better. All in all, I think we got a lot out of the day, there are very few graduates who can say that they have had their work seen first hand by even one of the companies we managed to get on board.

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New Blood

These pics (taken by Bex) were during the installation of our stall. As we were to find out, using box files to store our work, and keeping them under a table (one of our tutors' ideas) didn't work that well at bringing people to our stall. We reckon most people walked past believing that we didn't actually do any work. But as long as we continued to pester people, they did have a look around.

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